The 19 year-old twin couture eye wear designers (& models) are steadily making a name for themselves in the fashion game. Recently moving to NYC to pursue their dream full time, the sisters hand make all their eye wear and hustle them to various people themselves. With celebrities like: Ashanti, Kelly Osbourne, Amber Rose, and more rocking ‘Gemela Amor by coco&breezy’, they are definitely going to be the ones to look out for in 2010. I recently caught up with the twins, so they could speak more about their up and coming brand.

Here are some Q&A from the ladies.
1. When was the company started? Why did you start it?
The line was started about 6 months ago when we were 18 years old. We actually showed our 1st line of clothing and we designed the glasses just to add a “POP!” to the garments. The Glasses ended up being the hit! We designed what we call “custom couture eye wear” and started the brand ourselves, with no PR, or any type of management.
2. I heard you ladies recently moved to NYC to pursue this dream? Where are you originally from?
We are originally from Minneapolis, Minnesota which is in the Midwest (where there is really no fashion outlets) and people looked at us crazy or pointed and laughed at us because of our style. We have been traveling back and forth to NYC for a couple years now and we always just went to visit from 2-4 days at a time. But our last visit in NYC was a life changing experience for us. We met so many people, our brand got press, we had a couple red carpet appearances, we did photo shoots, and stylists pulled our eye wear for a few online mags.
Back in August, we went back home and told our parents “we’re moving to NYC in 2 weeks”. We were nervous about quitting our regular job but it was time to take the risk and just have 100 percent focus on our brand. We’re young and moving to NYC (last minute) to pursue our dream was a big step. But we’d rather struggle and work hard on our brand in NYC, than live easy in non-fashion state.